Tag Archive: creation

Point of Contact

One of my favorite movies is Contact from 1997 with Jodie Foster and Matthew McConaughey. A scene from the movie popped in my head when I was preparing for my sermon last week exploring the “Lies We Tell Ourselves: If I Only Had ‘This’ I Would Be Happy”. McConaughey’s character, Palmer Joss, an author and theologian who wrestles because there are things he has experienced that he can’t explain outside of having faith. In this scene he is being interviewed by Larry King who is asking him questions to heighten the conflict between science and religion. While the focus on the conversation was really between science and religion; (which I don’t see the a need for there really to be a conflict there) I thought his character asks some great questions.

“The question I am asking is this; are we happier as a human race? Is the world fundamentally a better place? We shop at home, we surf the web at the same time we feel emptier, lonelier, and more cut off from each other than any other time in history. We are becoming a synthesized society in a great big hurry to get to the next temporary sensation. I think it is because we are looking for meaning. What is the meaning? We have mindless jobs.We take frantic vacations. We take deficit financed trips to the mall to buy more things that we think are going fill these holes in our lives. Is it any wonder we have lost our sense of direction?”

It was in the middle of Palmer asking these profound questions pointing to humanity’s hungers, needs, and search for meaning is when the transmission from the aliens is first received from space. In the midst of reflecting on those deep longings and our empty attempt to satisfy them is when contact was first made(1).  It just struck me that in the midst of all of humanities greatest searches for meaning, purpose, our hungers,  and desires God sent Jesus Christ to meet us right in the midst of these places of struggle and need. Jesus Christ has come to satisfy our hunger to be valued, to be loved, to have hope, and meaning. While I still having moments of dissatisfaction and longing in my life, I am learning and growing and experiencing more and more to find myself rooted in the reality of God’s love revealed in Jesus Christ. Knowing we are eternally loved and valued by God changes our experience with these hungers and longings.

Lord Jesus, You are the bread of life that truly satisfies. May we continue to discover the depth of your grace and love that calls us precious and infinitely valued children of God, so we may live in freedom from a sense of hopeless longing. Holy Spirit, continue to guide us to live in the satisfying ways of grace that leads to abundant life. Amen. Continue reading

Singing With The Stars

#freedomride  – Our freedom ride was cut short by the threat of ice and snow so I am home today, but I wrote this as a way of trying to process the already overwhelming experience.

Sun rise don lee
Tonight I stare up at the stars spread in patterns across the sky telling a grand story. Stars named one by one.  I can’t see them all, I can’t count them all, but I am surrounded by such a great cloud of them. Each named with the dignity of their creation as they each sing their own part in the vast harmony to declare to the cosmos the glory of God and sing to God praise and blessing.

I stand under the same stars as did pharaohs and slaves, kings and priests. I look up and see the same stars that martyrs and murderers have viewed for generations. I am under the same stars that are spread across the sky that illuminates the night of people with every shade of skin. Migrant worker to military personnel, Police to prisoner, peasants to prophets including me this day have slept under the song of praise of these pinpricks of light that have pierced the coldness of space.

This morning I see the light of a single star that for so long we thought revolved around us. Our forebearers recognized this dynamic dance we journey in with our local partner in the cosmos, however the truth of this harmonious dance is forgotten as we illuminate our world with artificial light and lies. The song of praise of our neighbor star warms the ground and lights the day, but how much warmth can penetrate six feet of earth to the countless unnamed graves of slaves and soldiers? How much warmth is there below the monuments of masters? Despite the closeness of this cosmic neighbor there doesn’t seem to be enough light to evaporate the ghosts of wars not so civil. Even the hottest day doesn’t seem to melt the cold ice of racism that chills the waters we daily drink in the land of the hoped for free.

The light and blessing of this wonderful cosmic neighbor shared its warmth on another grave. For a handful of days that grave seemed like any other, but as we spun on our earthly path the praise and blessing of this star on the third day found its way into a grave unlike any other. The one who named our cosmic neighbor rose up from that place where the cold ice of oppression, hate, racism, and injustice wants to freeze us all. The son rose and folded the cloak of death that only offered the bankrupt promise to keep us warm and he laid it aside. The son said a final goodnight to the cold knowing the warmth of a bright salvation had risen in the darkest and coldest of all places.

We go on spinning in this cosmic dynamic dance with a warm invitation to join in with the risen one to fold up and lay aside our icy cold garments, so that we all may bear the dignity of our creation and sing in glorious harmony a song to our neighbors, to the cosmos and to our God. Just like the friend he wept for, the risen son has called us out of these cold tombs that divide and bring disharmony. The son invites us to help each other out of those grave clothes that we don’t recognize we still wear. We are invited to see through the grave clothes of all who spin with the earth, and see the true dignity endowed by our loving creation. We are invited to sing a song of liberty, the song of warmth and light which has penetrated our darkest places. We must sing. We must sing in harmony, sing in hope, and sing for all to hear this song of love and liberty until all those garments of death are laid aside. We must sing until all are free and join in the glorious chorus with the stars.

Blessing of the Animals

Missy animal blessingThis past Sunday was my first time to participate in a Blessing of the Animals. I did not know what to expect, but I was so pleased that we did this. There were so many dogs, a couple of cats and a few guinea pigs all gathered in the cool misty air.  It was wonderful to reflect on our relationship to the rest of creation by remembering we are all creatures living under God’s loving care. It was fascinating to be reminded of God’s love and care for us as it was reflected in the love and care these animals received from their owners. Then also to catch tiny glimpses of God’s agape love for us seen through the animal’s love for their owner. I thought it was very interesting how many of the dogs that were introduced to me as rescue dogs. Is there something in our being created in God’s image that inspires us to rescue those needing deliverance? It was also beautiful to see the companionship and comfort that many of these animals brought to those who had lost a loved one and otherwise might be living alone.

Of all the reflections, what stood out the most was how my perception of people whom I had hugged, shaken hands, been at committee meetings with, or in worship drastically changed in an instant as I got a glimpse into their life in a whole new way when I saw them walking up with a smile holding their dog on a leash, cat in a cage, or guinea pig in a plastic tub. Lucy animal blessing

Father God, you who created all things, including the animals which we are to have loving dominion over. Thank you for creating us in your loving image and how we can catch glimpses of your love and your heavenly kingdom as we practice being in right relationship not just with you and our fellow humans, but with all of your creation. Thanks for how these precious creatures have been a blessing to us by providing companionship and joy. Amen


If God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit are complete and full not lacking in anything, why did God create us or anything else for that matter. Why did God create so much? Relative to my 5 foot and seven inches there is so much to the entire cosmos!!! Why is it all so powerful?   To think that I could walk outside on a  hot summer day and get burned by an object 93 million miles away is amazing!  Then to think that I can’t even count all the other stars; some bigger, some smaller all more powerful than I can comprehend. Why is it all so beautiful? Why would there be a beautiful rainbow that seemed to leap out of a cloud and reach across the sky the other day as we sat talking with neighbors on their deck eating s’mores? Why was I so enraptured by the neighbor’s infant holding my pinky finger with such a surprising grip? Why are we here?

This video has led me on some great reflections and I wanted to invite you to join me on the journey…. watch and enjoy.